I love the form. Here's one more, just for kicks. This one is also 55 words.

Mary’s Recipe

I killed my third wife yesterday. Disposing of the body is the trick, and the third time’s a charm.

“She left me,” I said, and threw her a bon voyage party. “Better to get on with my life,” I said.

Everyone pitied me and cursed her for leaving.

Nobody noticed the excellent stew.

Mary’s recipe.

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Hey Frank, thanks for the heads-up about Drabble. Interesting concept. I used to submit now and then to 55 Fiction, a magazine that published complete short stories in 55 words or fewer. Great fun. Here's one of my better flash fiction stories:

<b>At Confession</b>

“Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.”

“How long since your last confession?”

“Two years.”

“What’s the trouble?”

“I have wished death on a man.”

“You haven’t acted on your wish?”

“Not yet.”

“Who is the man?”

“He is cheating with my wife.”

The priest paled. “I forgive you.”

I shot him through the screen.


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Sheesh, 55 words? Sounds like a good challenge for me to tackle next. Loved your flash fiction story, too. Thanks for stopping by!

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